24 Jun 2010 Electrolux is taking advantage of our collective (and justified) fixation on the ocean by launching Vac from the Sea, an initiative that will turn. 11 Nov 2010 The goal of the Vac from the Sea program is to spotlight how recycled plastic can be incorporated into functional household appliances like the. Explore Electrolux Global.s board Vac from the Sea on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas. Vac from the Sea is an Electrolux long-term sustainability project. The purpose is to highlight the huge problem our seas face from pollution and garbage and to. 4 mar 2011 Utstallningen Vac from the Sea handlar om hotet fran plast i haven.
The latest Tweets from Cecilia Nord (@vacfromthesea). Vac from the Sea: an Electrolux-initiative aiming to gather oceanic plastic garbage and produce a. In conjunction with the Vacs from the Sea initiative, Electrolux has also released a new green vacuum, the Electrolux Ultra One Green-model, which uses 70 .
Design that sucks: The Electrolux Vac from the Sea collection
3 Nov 2010 This is the second phase of the global PR-driven CSR project “Vac from the Sea” launched in July when Electrolux started the collection of. 3 Nov 2010 Electrolux has unveiled five unique vacuum cleaners that have been made from plastic waste collected from the world.s oceans. The event.
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Teknikmagasinet erbjuder ett unikt sortiment av spannande, roliga och prisvarda produkter inom teknik- hobbyomradet – kanda markesvaror saval som udda. The latest Tweets from Teknikmagasinet (@Teknikmagasinet). Prylkedja med butiker over hela Sverige! Folj oss har for att fa veta nar vi far in roliga nyheter eller.
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